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organic Barnyard millet grains

We take great pleasure to offer you Skal/Control Union Certified,Government of India, European Union EEC No. 2092/91 and National Organic Program (NOP) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Organic Products at the most competitive rates.
We supply in retail packs in the brand name of PRO ORGANIC
We welcome your interest & enquiry about our certified pro organic products.
For more details visit us at www.proorganic.in
Description This soy flour is processed from whole, cleaned non-Genetically Modified,(non-GMO) food grade soybeans by mechanical pressing without using any solvent or any chemicals. It is available in both Conventional Non-GMO and Organic Non-GMO forms.
Physicochemical (Typical Analysis)
Moisture, %
Impurities, %
Fat/oil, %
Ureasic activity*
Particle size (mm)**
2,0 +/-0,2
Ingredient Label Organic Low fat Soybean flour.
Suggested Uses Ingredient for protein foods.
Packaging This product is packaged in 25 Kg cases, each case containing two vacuum-sealed 12.5 Kg barrier bags. Other packaging, including super sacs, is available.
Shelf Life One year at 12-14ºC, 55-65% relative humidity, in dark, in absence of oxygen.
Sample Size 10 fl oz. Larger samples available upon request.
Preservatives This product is supplied without preservatives.
Proximates Units/ 100g Typical Value
Water g 7.00
Protein g 46.00
Total lipid (fat) g 5.00
Carbohydrate, by difference g 38.50
Fiber g 7.00
Sugars, Total g 22.80
Ash g 5.50
Calcium. Ca mg 188
Iron. Fe mg 5.99
Magnesium. Mg mg 229
Phosphorus. P mg 593
Potassium. K mg 2570
Sodium. Na mg 18
Zinc. Zn mg 1.18
Copper. Cu mg 5.080
Manganese, Mn mg 3.080
Selenium, Se mcg 9.3
Microbiologycal (Proximates) Units/ 100g Typical Value
Hongos y levaduras UFC/g <5000
Micotoxinas g Ausencia
Salmonella spp Ausencia /25g
Rto. Aerob. Mesof. totales UFC/g <50000
Description This oil is processed from whole, cleaned non-Genetically Modified (non-GMO) food grade soybeans by extrusion, mechanical pressing without using any solvent or any chemicals.
Moisture, %
Free fatty acid, %
Peroxide Value, meqO
Ingredient Label non-Genetically Modified (non-GMO) Soy Oil.
Suggested Uses Ingredient for foods.
Packaging This product is packaged in 100 or 200 kg drums. Other packaging forms are available.
Shelf Life One year at 12-14ºC, 55-65% relative humidity, in dark, in absence of oxygen.
Sample Size 10 fl oz. Larger samples available upon request.
Preservatives This product is supplied without preservatives.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to ask for a quotation

7 tons of Moong Bean - Certified Organic

We are producing organic & conventional flours and multigrain mixes. All our products are Ecocert certified and Kosher certified also.
Please visit our website at www.farinart.com in order to have more information about our company and products.